Sunday, 22 February 2009

something new

I was very inspired by Rodarte's new collection (haha... yes, Rodarte again) and knitted a skirt. It was so breathtaking to make all these details!

Вдохновившись новoй коллекцией Rodarte (хаха... да-да, снова Rodarte), я связала юбку. Больше всего удовольствия мне доставил процесс вывязывания всех деталей, да и вообще интересно вязать, придумывая что-то на ходу.


Natasha said...

I love you're knitting adventures, makes me wish I could.
I've been wanting knitted shorts for a long time now.
Rodarte is amazing, it's true. I wonder how long it takes to get the tights on though...

ivoreece said...

Natasha, thank you!!! :)
I don't know how much time they (designer's employees) need for tights... definitely one day long (from the morning till evening) or maybe two.

Jane said...

I loooove your skirt! Well done

Please check out


ivoreece said...

Vintage Tea, thank you! :)

_ said...

Wow that must have been a hell of a job but you did it really well! Your rodarte inspired socks are great aswell. I really wouldn't have the patience to make that kind of stuff...

daddylikeyblog said...

You MADE that? Fabulous work! It's gorgeous!

So said...

Love the skirt, you're very good!

ivoreece said...

Like Porcelain, Daddylikeyblog, So, thank you for so sweet comments!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I scrolled down, saw this picture and before reading I was planning on writing "wow, looks kinda rodarte-ish". But, yeah, I guess you already know, haha. Awesome nonetheless!

Unknown said...

Ah wow that looks great, I'm aiming to knit a Rodarte style vest at some point.

Sasi said...

эта юбкa - прекрaснaя.
Я oчень люблю!

ivoreece said...

ElectriccccAlyce, yes you're right! :D I wanted so much to try to knit something of the kind.
Thank you! :)

KB, thanks! I look forward to see your knitted vest. :)

Sasi, большое спасибо! :)
Как приятно читать по-русски... :P

сильви сильво said...

Уй, здорово! Такой рокнролл вышел...!

ivoreece said...

Сильви Сильво, спасибо!!! :)